Warlock Miracle Hearthstone Deck


What's the most famous burst-damage deck that utilizes Leeroy right now? Definitely Miracle Rogue. It has Conceal, Preparation, and all the necessary cheap spells to help cycle for the right cards to power up Leeroy Jenkinks, all thanks to the card-drawing ability of Gadgetzan Auctioneer. So, why not utilize the Leeroy + Auctioneer combo with the class that has the most advantageous skill? Warlock grants additional card draw for two life points. This deck, modified and improved by redditor eversiction, was used to hit Legend rank, and it is a new take on the Miracle gameplay.

Warlock Miracle Hearthstone Deck List

The objective of the deck is to stall the game and keep cycling for the right cards. There are a couple of ways to have a one-turn burst damage to kill the opponent. The first one is to use Power Overwhelming on Leeroy Jenkins and then casting Faceless Manipulator to copy that Leeroy, attacking for a total of 20 damage. Another option is to play Arcane Golem, use double Power Overwhelming to strengthen its attack, and copy the golem with a Faceless, going in for 24 damage.

Against Control Decks

When playing against control decks such as Ramp Druid, you have to dig for the minions that will guarantee a gain in tempo, ideally making your opponent react to what YOU are playing. Once the opponent starts being on the reactive side, you will be able to get the removal cards and snowball into victory.

Against Mid-Range Decks

When battling against Shaman or Token or even Watcher Druid, you need to immediately have Hellfire (for Shaman and its low-health minions) and Shadowflame against Druids who have fattier minions. However, remember to use these removal spells wisely and don't fall for bait minions.

Against Aggro Decks

When battling against Zoolock or Aggro Mage, you have to keep Earthen Ring Farseer and the reliable Sen'jin Shieldmasta. Mulligan Loot Hoarder though because you will need Shadowflame, Hellfire, and Soulfire, among others, to clear the board.

Check out his Twitch stream here. <source>


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