DUST DEVIL Three Turn Kill: The Dream

This is certainly a rare phenomenon. A Double Dust Devil is already something to be surprised about, especially if you're the opponent. The windfury minion is similar to Young Dragonhawk in the sense that it isn't getting much love in general. So, how did our hero, imgur user Sharakashank, win the game using a couple of Dust Devils? Well, he first had to use the coin and cast two of them. The next turn, he couldn't drop any other card because of the overload cost. However, the devils freely swung for 12 damage. Finally, on the third turn, he cast Flametongue Totem, effectively turning the Dust Devils into 5/1 monsters capable of dealing twenty damage in one turn. Talk about exciting burst damage! If I was the opponent, I wouldn't even be mad. And yes, it was Ranked Play. <source>

Dust Devil Combo Hearthstone
Dust Devil Three Turn Kill

Dust Devil Shaman Combo

Dust Devil Hearthstone Combo


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