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[M14] Game Day Champion Playmat - Chandra + From The Vault: Twenty Box Art

Does it look to realistic? No? Get ready for M2014's Game Day! What about the chain mail she's wearing? Or her eyes? Are we criticizing her looks too much? Which planeswalker do you think will be the face of M15? Garruk or Ajani? How about Liliana? The Lorwyn Five have definitely been a staple in Standard play, and we can't wait for further developments regarding their stories.

For fans of the FTV: Twenty product, the box art has just been released! Looking classy, right? But seriously as a fan of any shades of blue I am digging this one. Of course, we should probably expect by now that the prices of each card in this product are going to be high, since demand must be so great that they just had to deliver new copies.

source: MTGS imtg