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Amaz's TURN 4 Victory at DreamHack Bucharest 2014

Amaz Hearthstone Bucharest Nescafe

Surprisingly, Amaz didn't use a priest deck. Yeah, we're all used to seeing him play priest (don't expect him to play Rogue anytime soon). Anyway, Amaz is at the DreamHack Bucharest 2014 NESCAFE Hearthstone Tournament and he just made a big impression by winning a game by his fourth turn using a Hunter deck.

His opponent was the first one to play, but didn't do anything. Amaz then used Coin to play a first turn Scavenging Hyena. On the second turn of this opponent, a Faerie Dragon was cast. Amaz responded by summoning two Stonetusk Boars and attacking the Faerie, allowing Hyene to deal six damage to the face. On the opponent's third turn, a second Faerie Dragon was played, along with a Mana Wyrm. Amaz used two mana for Unleash the Hounds and again killed of the Faerie, allowing Scavenging Hyena to become a 10/6 and attack directly to the opponent. On the opponent's fourth and final turn, an Armani Berserker was cast, with Mana Wyrm attacking directly to the face, accompanied by a Fireblast. Finally, Amaz responds by attacking once again with the Hyena (for a total of 26 damage), and ending the game short victoriously with a Kill Command for five.


Mad Bomber Summoned Twice Really Has Issues

Gold Mad Bomber Hearthsstone
I used to have Mad Bomber on my budget Mage deck. Used to.

Aside from being a strong 3/2 for a mere two mana, it boasts three damage! The downside? The targets are chosen randomly. Sometimes, they kill off exactly what you want to get rid of. Then again, it could also deal damage to yourself and to your opponents, perhaps as an evidence of Bomber's craziness. This short video clip here presents the absolute best a Mad Bomber can do. Kill of the minion and deal heavy damage to the face. The only problem is that you own that minion and that face. RNGesus was not on his side, obviously.

Reach Legend in Hearthstone with a Relatively Cheap Priest Deck

Let's face it, apart from Control Warrior, Control Priests are the next expensive decks out there. From Alexstrasza to Prophet Velen to Ragnaros, legendary cards abound for this class. I think we are aware that Amaz uses an expensive Priest deck, especially with the Firelord and Sylvanas. However, even with all this, priests are still an uncommon sight in ranked play, perhaps because of the huge amount of aggro decks, especially those of Warlocks and Hunters.

Gold Alexstrasza Hearthstone
Here comes a relatively affordable Priest Deck that still takes advantage of Mind Blast, but does not have as much legendaries. Looking at this deck, you can have Novice Engineer or even Coldlight Oracle if you do not have Bloodmage Thalnos. Anyway, as stated by redditor BCNU, this deck's advantage is its effective board wipes, especially with Wild Pyromancer + cheap spells and/or Auchenai Soulpriest and Circle of Healing (a zero-mana Flamestrike, essentially), not to mention Holy Nova. This will ideally force the opponent to try to end the game fast by making high value trades, which is your objective. A turn nine Alexstrasza play and a turn ten casting of two Mind Blasts and/or Holy Fire (in combination with Prophet Velen and/or Holy Smite) will win the game for you.

Mind Blast Priest Hearthstone Deck
Just like the UTH + Starving Buzzard combo, it is best to wait for all the essential combo cards for wiping the board before playing them. This is why (just like Tracking and Flare for Hunter) Loot Hoarders, Novice Engineer, and Bloodmage Thalnos are included as cheap card-drawing minions. Now, against an aggressive deck, a turn one Northshire Cleric play is great, but against control decks, it would be better to wait for a combo with it. Finally, you have Senjin Shieldmasta, Injured Blademaster, and Earthen Ring Farseer for the opponent to deal with so that you can prepare for your late game victory.


Aggro Frost Mage: Reach Legend Rank In Hearthstone

Gold Knife Juggler Hearthstone

While everyone seems to be familiar of the fact that Trump was able to reach Legend using budget mage, there are now new varieties of mage decks that are going up the ranks. From those that utilize Ancient Watcher and Defender of Argus to those that have Knife Juggler and Arcane Golem, the mage is still a class to be considered in ranked play. This one, which has Wolf Rider and Leper Gnome, is an aggro Frost Mage deck.

Aggro Frost Mage Legend Deck in Hearthstone
A key to winning here is to get an early aggressive play that will force your opponent to trade with your minions, all the while protecting the Leper Gnome and Loot Hoarder to ideally trade with 3/2s. Additionally, Knife Juggler works well with Mirror Image to protect your other creatures, aside from dealing two damage. Sorcerer's Apprentice is included to make Fireball cheaper, in case a big minion arrives or simply for the finishing blow. Even a cheaper way to finish the game is by using a Frostbolt to your opponent's face and following it up with an Ice Lance for a total of 7 damage for a mere three mana (or 1 mana if Apprentice is in play). Arcane Intellect is there for the needed reload of more firepower, in combination with Loot Hoarder.


Countering UTH: The Victory of One is the Victory of All

Unleash the Hounds Counter
He has done it.

Redditor jonahmilo_ has finished the job. Sealing the deal with a perfectly placed Counterspell secret, his opponent's Unleash the Hounds was for naught, aside from the combo with Starving Buzzard not going off. This is a good day for all the players who have suffered from the countless Face Hunters. This is for every one who was a victim of UTH + Starving Buzzard + Timber Wolf. Let it be known in our lives that at least one of us captured the great moment for all of us to witness.


Unleash the Nerf: UTH Unlikely To Be Redesigned In The Near Future

As can be seen and heard from the video, Ben Brode tells the audience that while Unleash the Hounds is getting a lot of attention for its cheap-costing but possibly game-changing effects, it can also be observed that players are devising unique decks to counter the dominant "Face" Hunters. Ben states that unusual, innovative decks are springing up in Ranked Play, with some of them allowing for that climb to Legend while countering the flood of Hunters (and Zoolock). This is of course one of the great things about card games, as players will find their own solutions in dealing against the top tier decks. Moreover, while UTH is incredibly hated as can be seen through forums and threads, it should also be noted that another factor for all the hate is that a lot of people use it. In addition, if Starving Buzzard (and Timber Wolf) wasn't around, it wouldn't be such a threat to people.

Personally, I know how "easy" it is to climb the ranks with a Hunter. I didn't have Leeroy, Savannah Highmane, or even Misdirection, but UTH + Timber Wolf + Starving Buzzard usually does it. I played yesterday using a very cheap version of the deck and won five times in a row, letting me climb three or so ranks. Still, my main objective is still to complete my Watcher Druid deck (lots of Epics and Legendaries to go for).

Funny Unleash the Hounds The Simpsons

Fireside Cardback Problems? Run Multiple Hearthstone Accounts On A Single Computer

Fireside Hearthstone Cardback

Redditor Citrinate has provided an outlined set of instructions on how you can simultaneously play two or more games of Hearthstone using one device. The first thing to be done is download and install Sandboxie which has a free and a paid version. The former will only allow two plays to be done at the same time, instead of three which is essential for the "Fireside Friends" cardback opportunity. Check out the instructions below:

1. Download and install Sandboxie  
2. Next, open "Sandboxie Control", as there should be a sandbox in there named "DefaultBox". If there isn't any, you can go to "Sandbox > Create New Sandbox"
3. You then right click on that sandbox and select "Sandbox Setting" 
4. Just under "Restrictions", you then go to "Drop Rights" and make sure that the box labeled as "Drop rights from Administrators and Power Users groups" is unchecked 
5. Then, under "Resource Access", you should go to "File Access < Direct Access" so that you can add the install folders for both the Desktop App and Hearthstone 
6. Navigate to the Desktop App install folder wherein you should create a shortcut to "" and put it on your Desktop 
7. Navigate to your Hearthstone install folder, create a shortcut to "Hearthstone.exe", and place it on your Desktop 
8.Right click on the Hearthstone shortcut you just created, go to properties, and at the end of the "Target" field add " -launch" 
If you have the paid version of sandboxie, you can create any number of additional sandboxes, 1 for each instance of the game you're going to be running.

Running the Desktop App in a sandbox:
1. If you have Hearthstone or the Desktop App running, close them 
2. Right click on the Desktop App shortcut you created earlier, select "Run Sandboxed", select the sandbox you used in the setup process above, and click OK 
3. If it signed you into your main account, log off and sign into your alt account 
4. If you created multiple sandboxes, repeat steps 2 and 3, selecting a different sandbox each time 
5. Run the Desktop App as you would normally (unsandboxed), and log into your main account 
Running Hearthstone in a sandbox: 
1. Run Hearthstone as you would normally (unsandboxed), on your main account 
2. Right click on the Hearthstone shortcut you created earlier, select "Run Sandboxed", select the sandbox you used in the setup process above, and click OK. 
If Hearthstone freezes for a few seconds and then shows this error: Closed, Oops! Playful sprites have disrupted Heartstone as it was linking up to the service. Please wait a few minutes for them to disperse and try re-launching the game. 
Then follow these additional steps before trying again 
2.1 With the unsandboxed instance of Hearthstone still running on your main account, go to the sandboxed Desktop App for the account you're trying to run Hearthstone under. 
2.2 Change the region for Hearthstone to something other than the one you intend to play on, and click "PLAY". You should get the error message: 
Two conflicting actions have occurred. Please wait a few minutes and try again. 
2.3 Change the region for Hearthstone back to the one you want to play on and again click "PLAY". You should get the same error message again 
3. If you created multiple sandboxes, repeat step 2, selecting a different sandbox each time

ODDLOCK: Redditor achieves Legend Rank with unique Warlock Deck

Warlock Oddlock Hearthstone Legend DeckRedditor "adamant_r" was apparently having a long time being stuck from ranks 5 to 2. Yes, it was that close to hitting Legend and getting that special card back (Rant: Really wish you get rewards for hitting perhaps Rank 15, 10, and 5, and not just for being Rank 20 or higher and being legendary.). Anyway, according to him the deck has elements of the famous Handlock deck, however, there are not Twilight Drakes or Mountain Giants to be found. Instead of a slow early play, he utilizes the elements of Zoolock which allows for an early offense. Aside from this, it also makes the opponent think that adamant_r is using a typical Zoolock deck.

Against aggro decks, Oddlock has eight Taunt creatures, or at least has eight cards that have or will provide Taunt. It also has Doomguard, Molten Giant, and Faceless Manipulator which can be Taunt-ed. With this, you have the option to either go in for the kill early, or prepare for a boardwipe with Hellfire. Typically, the deck will end the game with a Doomguard, a Molten Giant, or a Leeroy going for the kill, which can be followed up by a Faceless Manipulator or Soulfire and Power Overwhelming. As stated earlier, the best thing about Oddlock is that it is capable of deceiving the opponents into believing that you are using the average Zoolock or Handlock deck. Opponents using Zoolock would think that they are in a mirror match, when a Hellfire is actually just around the corner to clear the board. Handlock users would then think that you are playing slow if you play Ancient Watcher, but drop a Doomguard beside a taunt-ed Ancient Watcher and you can swing for some heavy damage. Adamant_r's advice is to use Ironbeak Owl wisely, on whether you should use it to silence your Ancient Watcher, or wait for an opponent's potential game-finisher. <source>

Poison Seeds: A new removal for Druid from Curse of Naxxramas

Poison Seeds Druid Hearthstone
The official Twitter account for Blizzard's online card game Hearthstone has just unveiled the first class-specific card in the form of "Poison Seeds". It's basically the great removal card, especially if your opponent has a lot of taunt-ed Ancient Watcher or other badass creatures. However, the downside (which is why it is only a common card and costs a mere four mana) is that each destroyed minion will be replaced by a 2/2 Treant. Yes, including your opponents minions will have 2/2s. This isn't really a good  card against Unleash the Hounds (unlesss two Timber Wolfs and perhaps some Stormwind Champions are in play).

A combo that can be utilized though is by playing Poison Seeds to get rid of all your opponent's potential game finishers, then cast any creature with Spell Damage. For example, Ancient Mage or Kobold Geomancer, and then use Swipe on your opponent, killing all of his recently summoned 2/2s immediately. <source>

Amaz's Deathwing Play Against A Hunter

Gold Deathwing Hearthstone

We are all familiar with the amazing Amaz. This time around, he is battling against a Hunter is ranked play. The opponent had a Savannah Highmane, and Amaz needed a card to seal the deal. He had Holy Nova and Sunfury Protector and Nortshire Cleric in play. Luckily (or unluckily), he drew a Deathwing and was all smiles as the opponent played a Stampeding Kodo. More food for Deathwing, right? Watch what happens.

Moral of the story: Some hunters still use Deadly Shot.

Watcher Mage VS Aggro Mage in Hearthstone

Before discussing about the last game I had, I just want to say thanks to this Shaman user for giving me a "free" star. I'm not sure if you had connection problems or simply didn't want to battle against a mage, but thanks anyway.

Watcher Mage Aggro Mage
An Unexpected Victory
After reading a couple of Nat Geo articles, I went online to have a go at Ranked Mode. I picked my Watcher Mage (which replaced Trump's Budget Mage). I am already content at Rank 18 anyway, since I do not have the time or the financial (dust) resources to make a great deck that can easily handle the environment in the higher ranks (an abundance of Hunters and Zoolocks, perhaps). Anyway, my last opponent also used Jaina, and I groaned a bit, thinking that this is going to be a long mirror match of mages trying to control the board. The surprising bit, however, immediately came with a first turn Leper Gnome play by my opponent. It was followed by a second turn Loot Hoarder. The third turn also dropped a Hoarder into the board. The fourth turn, however, provided another surprise in the form of an Arcane Golem. Yes, indeed, this is the first time I've faced a mage that used an Arcane Golem.

Arcane Golem in Aggro Mage Deck
Aggro Mage Using An Arcane Golem
At this point, I was thinking to myself whether I was battling with someone who was experimenting with his familiar "Face Hunter" cards and putting them in other classes. My opponent even had a Knife Juggler which I Frostbolted' immediately into oblivion before it was able to perhaps destroy my Mana Wyrm and Harvest Golem.

Knife Juggler in Aggro Frost Mage
Surprise! Knife Juggler!
By this time, I really imagined my opponent as another Face Hunter. I was expecting a Starving Buzzard + UTH + Timber Wolf combo of some sort (note: this is a joke). All the while, I was completely amused with this kind of Mage deck by the reason that this is my first time to battle one. It seemed that early offense and card advantage were the objectives of this aggro mage, especially with my opponent playing a Coldlight Oracle. Immediately, the aggressive style was reinforced by the arrival of two Abusive Sergeants that powered a second Arcane Golem. Hello, eight damage to my face. I was now assuming that he had Fireballs and Frostbolts to end the game immediately after all the assaults.

Surprise again! 8/2 Arcane Golem for you!
I Frostbolt'ed his second Golem, and cleared his side of the board through my Harvest Golem token and a couple of one-damage pings. In the end, I was already at ten mana crystals thanks to his Arcane Golems. The mana acceleration helped me unleash my own offensives strikes in the form of Mana Wyrm, Water Elemental, and ultimately Argent Commander. He dropped a couple of Sorcerer's Apprentices and Mana Wyrms along with Kobold Geomancer, but without a Flamestrike, I had the advantage. Good game against an unusual deck!

Aggro Mage Watcher Mage Battle

For those wondering, here are the cards my opponent used during our game:
Gold Coldlight Oracle Hearthstone

1 Ice Lance (to my face, after a Frostbolt)
1 Kobold Geomancer
2 Mana Wyrm
2 Sorcerer's Apprentice
2 Abusive Sergeant
2 Loot Hoarder
1 Leper Gnome
2 Arcane Golem
1 Knife Juggler
1 Coldlight Oracle