LEGEND FACE HUNTER: No UTH, No Starving Buzzard

Legend Face Hunter


You read that right. Someone used a Hunter deck without utilizing the infamous Unleash the Hounds + Starving Buzzard combo, and he reached Legend Rank. The objective of the deck, as it is called "Face" Hunter, is to consistently deal damage to the opponent each turn, ideally killing your opponent after six or seven turns. It sounds rather easy to play, but the player who used it states that it takes a bit of skill to determine whether to play a minion or use your hero skill.


Legend Face Hunter Deck


Leper Gnome HunterElven Archer Hunter

Always be wary of a board swipe. It could be Paladin's Consecration, Mage's Flamestrike/Blizzard, Druid's Swipe, or Warlock's Hellfire, among others. Do not flood your board with minions. Always use your hero power whenever possible as most of your minions have Charge anyway and are better saving for the fourth turn and beyond in combination with your hero power. Remember, there is only one Tracking in this deck and that is used to get your finisher, which is likely Leeroy, or an answer to a threat, such as Eaglehorn Bow and Explosive Trap. Know when to play your cards, and use your hero power as often as possible.

Explosive Trap HunterEaglehorn Bow Hunter

When it comes to your opening hand, mulligan aggressively for great one-drops such as Leper Gnome and Elven Archer and do keep the Eaglehorn Bow since you should be expecting to increase its durability by playing traps. If you're going second and have two one-drops, mulligan for a two-drop to keep the early game pressure. Finally, against zoo, mulligan for Elven Archer and Explosive Trap.

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