REBIRTH: New Shaman Card From Curse of Naxxramas

Rebirth Shaman Hearthstone Naxxramas

Heads up! A new week means a new spoiler. Here we have "Rebirth" a common Shaman card from Curse of Naxxramas. It only costs two mana, and it allows you to destroy any minion that can be targeted on the board. It then comes back into play with full health. Even by reading it, players are already excited.

1. Attack with Sylvanas Windrunner. Destroy it with Rebirth, triggering the Deathrattle ability of Sylvanas, and allow her to come back into play with full health.

2. Attack with Cairne Bloodhoof. Use Rebirth, get a 4/5 from the Deathrattle ability, and get Cairne back in play.

3. Watch out for Miracle Shaman variants in the future. Imagine having ten mana available and playing Leeroy Jenkins, buffing it with double Rockbiter and a Windfury, attacking for 24 damage, and then using Rebirth on the chicken-loving legendary card to once again attack for a total damage of 30.

Baron Rivendare Hearthstone4. Basically, there are a lot of cards with Deathrattle that would be happy to use this in a Shaman deck. Imagine using Rebirth while Baron Rivendare is in play. Even a lowly Leper Gnome can deal a staggering eight damage instead of two. Killing it with Rebirth deals four, and letting it die means another direct four damage to the opponent.



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