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STOCKING TIGER - 2013 Holiday Promo Card + Temple of Enlightenment, of Malice, and of Plenty

The Mothership has officially began the Holidays with their 2013 Holiday Promo Card: STOCKING TIGER. While it is indeed a fun card, it doesn't seem playable at all if you don't have any booster packs. But if you do have any, it'd be awesome. In addition, A CAT CONSTRUCT! They have finally arrived.

The artwork was done by Terese Neilsen and here is the full version:

According to user Ceth from MTGS, the remaining two scry dual lands sporting the Azorius and Selesnya colors are included in Born of the Gods (BNG). The Azorius scry land's art shows merchants preparing for trade, while the Selesnya scry land's art has some grass and animal on it.

In addition, Ceth also stated that there were multicolored creatures in the expansion and that there were cards in BNG that are supposed to affect or even make Modern even better with two unmentioned specific tribal creatures being pinpointed out.

The mothership just released the traditional Oracle of Salvation for Born of the Gods, and the guys at MTGS are at it to look at some possible cards.

It seems obvious that dual-color lands will be in the set, and three "temples" have been supposedly identified so far:

Temple of Enlightenment
Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield tapped. When Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield, scry 1.
Tap: Add W or U to your mana pool.

Temple of Malice
Temple of Malice enters the battlefield tapped. When Temple of Malice enters the battlefield, scry 1.
Tap: Add B or R to your mana pool.

Temple of Plenty
Temple of Plenty enters the battlefield tapped. When Temple of Plenty enters the battlefield, scry 1.
Tap: Add G or W to your mana pool.

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BNG, JIN Preview - Heroic Path + XENAGOS GOD ART + ELVISH MYSTIC as Februrary 2014 FNM Promo

While we are all aware of Xenagos, the Reveler (which I actually like since not only is he a slightly affordable planeswalker, but it reminds me about the good ol' days of beast decks in the Onslaught block) as a planeswalker, the mothership has also revealed new artworks for him. This also serves as a sneak peek of what the remaining two sets, Born of the Gods and Journey into Nyx, of the Theros Block has in store for us. And yes, his GOD VERSION. Not only is he looking like being born from a mountain, you can also clearly see that he's in battle against Ajani and Elspeth. What is Ajani doing there? We'll find out soon enough.

Xenagos God Art (Born of the Gods)

Xenagos God Art (Journey into Nyx)

A planeswalker turned god? Yes? No?
It's that time of the Theros block again wherein players going to the prerelease tournaments must choose their heroic path based on their favourite mana colour.

For Born of the Gods, each color represents:
WHITE - Destined to Lead
BLUE - Destined to Outwit
BLACK - Destined to Dominate
RED - Destined to Conquer
GREEN - Destined to Thrive

And, according to MTG Realm, each "seeded" PR pack will have the following:
- 1 Seeder booster pack
- The (traditional) Premium Foil PR Promo Card
- 1 Activity Card
- 1 Spindown Life Counter
- 1 Welcome Letter
- 1 Hero Card
- 2 Born of the Gods Booster Packs
- 3 Theros Booster Packs

Coming in from the mothership, it looks like the good ol' elves are at it again to get the spotlight as the FNM prize for February next year. Elvish Mystic is of course the long-lost twin brother of Llanowar Elves. So what do you guys think of the art? I actually like the both of them. The FNM version seems like the more "mana-giving" between them though, and he really looks like a 1/1. I can imagine the original version's illustration as a 2/1 or even a 2/2. Anyway, here is the full illustration of the FNM version of Elvish Mystic by Winona Nelson:

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BNG: Game Day Challenge "BATTLE THE HORDE" + Foil Promo KARAMETRA'S ACOLYTE + WARLEADER'S HELIX as January 2014 FNM Promo

According to the mothership, the sixth challenge on the Hero's Path is to "BATTLE THE HORDE". Who didn't enjoy that hydra challenge for the Theros Game Day? The Born of the Gods Game Day will be next year from March 1-2. So get yourself (and your money) ready to fight the horde! Also, we hope that you will have fun with the hero cards you will be getting.

Ready to purchase this year's Holiday Gift Box? Worry not, since this sweet foil is enough to be the reason for you buying it. The art definitely does not disappoint compared to the original version. I could see this card in mana ramp, though it won't go well with an Elfball deck because it is a human druid, In addition, if you've ever wondered what exactly an acolyte is in the real world, here's a summary:

"In many Christian denominations, an acolyte is anyone who performs ceremonial duties such as lighting altar candles. In others, the term is used for one who has been inducted into a particular liturgical ministry, even when not performing those duties.
The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word ἀκόλουθος (akolouthos), meaning an attendant, via Late Latin acolythus." (source)

Fans of Lightning Helix and its big brother will love the foil promo card for January 2014. Would you just look at those platinum/steel armor plating? And those dark angel wings? And with Ravnica as the background, it'd be nice to have it on your binder. Remember, Boros Deck Wins is always a good aggro deck to play in whatever format, well, perhaps not for Legacy.
