MTG: Fate Reforged

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Magic 2014 [M14] Intro Packs + Garruk's Horde and Chandra's Phoenix + Judge Promos "Show and Tell" and "Overhwhelming Forces"

The mothership has finally shown what the M14 intro packs look like. Here are the ones which show Garruk's Horde and Chandra's Phoenix. I think Timmy players will love this green intro pack simply because M14 would intend to introduce Magic to new players, and the color is famous for big creatures. The red intro pack would also be fun to new players since it would be an aggro deck and I've personally began playing with green/red beasts and eventually...

[M14] Spoiler - Intro Pack + Ajani's Chosen, Jace's Mindseeker, and Liliana's Reaver

The mothership has just released all of the intro packs for M14. Here is a decent card for white weenie, or any aggro deck. Would love to use this in casual play. In addition, keep in mind that knights are making a comeback in M14, and it would be nice to see players reminiscing the glory days of White Knight and Silver Knight, though those two are not going to appear in the core set. Moreover, hopefully people would find some decent use for...

[M14] Duels of the Planeswalkers Promo Booster Pack for Xbox Live - Bonescythe Sliver

For the sliver fans, and for those who would play DOTP 2014 with Xbox Live, you will all get a 6-card promotional booster pack, with Bonescythe Sliver inside! For those who have played Magic for some time, doesn't it look like some alien out of Aliens VS Predators? The old slivers really did not have a face, and they were seemingly unemotional creatures which only seemed to want to give each brethren a ability or two. Even the Sliver Queen was a...

[M14] Duels of the Planeswalkers [DOTP] Promo Booster Pack for PS3: Ogre Battledriver

For the PS3 users of Magic 2014 DOTP, you will all get this 6-card promotional booster pack, all of which would include Ogre Battledriver! An okay card for an aggro deck, perhaps in casual play it would see the light of day. Doesn't it seem weird that ogres and minotaurs have been in Magic for a long time and they have yet to make an impact in Standard? Perhaps they were meant to stay in casual play. Perhaps, they could appear in a strong wave...

Magic 2014 [M14] Duels of the Planeswalkers [D14] Promo Booster Packs for Android, Steam, and iPad Platforms (Scavenging Ooze)

For all those acquiring M14 - Duels of the Planeswalkers, you will all be getting a promotional booster pack, all of them to include the M14 version of Scavenging Ooze! Wizards of the Coast has been giving a rabid marketing campaign, including for those willing to play DOTP in their PS3 and Xbox360. Now, even Apple and Android users can have fun with planeswalkers. In addition, there will also be a Steam version for those who worship Gaben. This...

Modern Masters [MM]: Second Wave of Packs Confirmed + "Sword of Fire and Ice" Ultra Pro Playmat

Kane49 from MTGS: Hi ! I just got an email declaring that i will only be receiving 1 of my 9 preordered boxes, since i kew what i was getting into thats fine. However in that same email it was confirmed that there WILL BE a second Wave of Modern Masters incoming in a few weeks. Seems like Wizards is doing the smart thing, test the waters with a limited release and and release another wave when they know how big the release should be to prevent...