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M14 Spoiler - Child of Night, Chandra's Outrage, Rumbling Baloth, Quag Sickness, Claustrophobia, and Pacifism

The lifelinker Child of Night is back in M14! Aside from this, Chandra's Outrage and green's Rumbling Baloth have also been confirmed. Interestingly, Rumbling Baloth reminds me of Ravenous Baloth, once of the decent life-gainer beasts back in Onslaught. I feel old. However, it actually feels nice to see beasts in the core set, as they have been around in casual play, though they made an appearance back in Legions because of the great amplify ability during the Onslaught block.

For fans of Pacism with the Akroma art, be saddened!  Well, it seems that they once again officially chose that, err, that art for the card. But hey, it's still a good staple card for sets like M14. Aside from this, as someone who has Claustrophobia, I am not sure if I want to see that card. In addition, monoblack deck users will be glad to know that Quag Sickness is also in M14. If white also gets oblivion ring, then it could be having a good time in limited with cheap removal and control spells.

source: MTGS

Modern Masters Spoiler - Perilous Research, Dampen Thought, Street Wraith, Imperiosaur, and Moldervin Cloak

A thing worth noting here is that all three cards have been downgraded to common. Surely, the power level in Modern Masters is pretty hight. Anyway, Dampen Though is a cheap milling card, while Perilous Research reminds me of , well, Compulsive Research from Ravnica, maybe because of the word "research". In addition, Street Wraight from Future Sight (you know, the set that had Tarmogoyf) is back! A free draw, with that 2 life to pay barely a disadvantage if you're looking to win the game early, set-up a combo, or control the board early.

This is exciting! Imperiosaur and Moldervine Cloak have both been downgraded to common in Modern Masters! A 5/5 for four mana with no real drawbacks? How great limited play must be this time. In addition, ain't it nice to still see the Golgari emblem in Moldervine Cloak despite MM not being a Ravnica-exclusive set? Green seems to be roaring with Modern Masters, implying how much brute force they can produce for little mana.

source: PMTGO

Modern Masters [MM] Spoiler: Kitchen Finks, Relic of Progenitus, Manamorphose, and Spell Snare

One of the best G/W early game creatures around, aside from Wiltleaf Cavaliers, Watchwolf and Steward of Valeron is back for Modern Masters. Yup, Kitchen Finks. Consequently, Relic of Progenitus, a rather pricy common nowadays, is also confirmed. MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. The ouphe is probably once of the nicest G/W uncommons out there. It's a 3/2 for 3 mana, and it comes back as a 2/1 if it would be put into the graveyard from play. Moreover, it can ideally get you four life points in total, same as what you get with Loxodon Hierarch.

Dissension's Spell Snare is also makign a comeback in MM, making sure that the deadly two drops of both aggro and  control decks are efficiently taken care of. It is easy to include four of them in any deck because they only require one blue mana. Moreover, Manamorphose is also there to provide a card draw for decks that only have red, green, or red and green cards. This is useful for those who have a nifty combo trick that requires a card of some other color. Perhaps a sudden Day of the Dragons using two of them?

source: MTGS

Modern Masters [MM] Spoiler: Electrolyze, Lightning Helix, Path to Exile, Divinity of Pride, Demigod of Revenge, and Aether Vial

The first theme deck I ever bought was the one from Guildpact. It had Electrolyze, it was a nifty uncommon with a great art. Oh, how I loved using it along with Wee Dragonauts and Gelectrode for casual play. Anyway, I used Boros after that, and Boros Deck Wins staple Lightning Helix is also in Modern Masters! And another famous uncommon, Path to Exile, also unsurprisingly made it to the list! MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. Obviously, the Izzet uncommon has lost most of its value every since it left Standard a long time ago, but it still features the great combination of damage and card advantage of UR. Lightning Helix won't really lose value because it's essentially a lightning bolt plus three life points for you. It deals damage fast enough for Boros Deck Wins, and it provides help when it comes to battling other aggro decks through the added life points.

Ah, the days of the modular ability, Arcbound Ravager, and Aether Vial. That was excruciatingly hard to experience. Anyway, the incredibly pricy Æther Vial is back, along with B/R Demigod of Revenge from Shadow and life-gainer/game-finisher Divinity of Pride from Eveningtide are also in Modern Masters. MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. Of course, Aether Vial is still one of those incredibly broken cards in the history of Magic. However, don't expect its price to fall anytime sooner.

source: MTGS

Modern Masters [MM] Spoiler - Death Cloud, Life from the Loam, and Lotus Bloom

Golgari's famous Life from the Loam has been confirmed in Modern Masters. But what's nice here is Lotus Bloom, which, along with Dragonstorm and the Kamigawa dragons, seems to be making a point that the Dragonstorm decks are poised for a comeback. And yeah, Death Cloud is in. MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. I don't actually see Death Cloud as seeing much play, except for the casual one. I would actually prefer some deck that uses Tendrils of Agony and its incredible storm ability.

Life from the Loam is probably the most famous card that Golgari has to offer. It only costs 1G and easily fills your graveyard with the cards you need. You can even use this to hastily power your Tarmogoyf, or get that winning dredge card fast. While it will not have an increase it price, its reprint should help in getting it known to the newer players.

Since Dragonstorm is also back for MM, it only seems right to have the long lost brother of Black Lotus back in print. While the artwork would seem a bit funny or maybe not good for others, one cannot deny that it simply is one of the best cards out there to literally provide free mana. All is needed is Seething Song, Remand, Repeal, and Gigadrowse to bring back the glory of Bogardan Hellkite in blue/red decks.

source: MTGS

Modern Masters [MM] Spoiler - Engineered Explosives, Skeletal Vampire, and Woodfall Primus

From Guildpact's Skeletal Vampire (which was used in Orzhov control decks back in the days) to the weenie-killing/token-slaughtering Engineered Explosives and to the let-me-get-back-in-the-field-to-destroy-one-more Woodfall Primus, Modern Masters surely is something. MM edition of the cards not yet available though. When it comes to the artifact that could freely kill all tokens, one should not worry with the mana to be used for sunburst if you have Aether Vial or something similar.

This vampire from the Ravnica block was useful back then. There is no reason to have this guy for reprinting, aside from reminding us of its good old days. There are now a lot of better finishers than this token-generating vampire. Perhaps if it was a 5/5 or at least a 4/5, then it would have been a decent choice since it would be safe from any Incinerate or Volcanic Hammer.

Woodfall Primus is one of those cards that you just wish could have some modification in the ability. If it destroyed any permanent, I would have easily added this in my casual Elf Ball deck, along with Regal Force and Emrakul. However, right now I would not mind having it as a sideboard as this guy can also destroy planeswalkers, and it would be nice to get ride of any Jace, the Mind Sculptor or even Garruk Wildspeaker and Nissa Revanne in the mirror match.

source: MTGS

Modern Masters Spoiler: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Sarkhan Vol, Progenitus, Vendilion Clique, Sword of Light and Shadow and the Kamigawa Dragons

Remember when Yosei, the Morning Star was used in G/W Selesnya  decks during the World Championships? Well, the whole Kamigawa Dragons cycle (Kokusho, the Evening Star, Ryusei, the Falling Star, Jugan, the Rising Star, Keiga, the Tide Star, and Yosei, the Morning Star) is back in Modern Masters. Aside from that, Progenitus (good, because Summoner's Pact is in the set too!), Sword of Light and Shadow, Vendilion Clique (annoyingly good), Sarkhan Vol (which has been regaining popularity), Sword of Light and Shadow, and most especially Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker are also in Modern Masters.

For now, Vendilion Clique will continue to see play in Modern, along with Dark Confidant and the incredibly expensive Tarmogoyf. Sarkhan Vol would probably see a bit of play, while Progenitus is going to be a good pick especially for those trying Elf Ball. Currently, I am using Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and I like it better than the legendary hydra simply because of its extra-turn ability and the whopping annihilator 6. The red Kamigawa Rare, Kiki-Jiki, should be loved by combo-players who can't get enough of abusing its power. Finally, of the five dragons, only Kokusho and Yosei should be worth the money, especially with their proven capacity to be a gamechanger.

source: MTGS