Want a really unique druid deck that has proven to help you reach legend rank? Look no further, as redditor Coleisepic has introduced his "miracle, dragon, mill, and tempo" druid deck to the internet. It basically has two win conditions. The first one involves would ideally involve Malygos, double Moonfire, double Innervate, and a Swipe, all played in one turn, for a possible 21 burst damage to the opponent. The other win condition is the average Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo that delivers 14 burst damage (12 from the 4/4 treants, and 2 from the Druid's attack). Here is the decklist:
Coleisepic further provides a guide on how to properly mulligan and how to use the cards in the Millacle deck:
// Mulligan Guide
I only keep 5 cards in this deck. Wrath, wild growth, coldlight oracle, swipe, and keeper of the grove. Against certain matchups you will need to make judgement calls obviously but I stand by only keeping these cards. Keeping innervate is almost never correct in this deck because it isn't used like in standard druid decks. You need to think of it like a preparation not a tempo advantage. Cards I consider keeping but only in slow matchups are druid of the claw, noruish, and gadgetzan.
I only keep 5 cards in this deck. Wrath, wild growth, coldlight oracle, swipe, and keeper of the grove. Against certain matchups you will need to make judgement calls obviously but I stand by only keeping these cards. Keeping innervate is almost never correct in this deck because it isn't used like in standard druid decks. You need to think of it like a preparation not a tempo advantage. Cards I consider keeping but only in slow matchups are druid of the claw, noruish, and gadgetzan.
- Innervate: Play it like preparation and don't use just for a tempo lead. It can also be saved for getting a swipe off the turn you play malygos which helps against certain decks like handlock.
- Moonfire: Cycles with gadgetzan, acts as a win condition vs handlock and control warrior. Don't be afraid to cycle against decks with lower life totals.
- Claw: This card is extremely good in this deck and probably the only reason the deck works. When cycling with auctioneer getting out a claw often is what allows you to clear the board. Also the 4 health it adds to your hero can help with beatdown matchups.
- Naturalize: This card is amazing. 1 Mana for mill, tempo lead, and hard removal. Normally the card is bad because it draws for your opponent but since you want your opponent drawing it becomes the best card in the game. Against aggro you really need to try not to use it but sometimes when pressured by cards like doomguard you may be forced to drop it.
- Wild Growth: Standard ramping to help get combos off earlier.
- Wrath: Standard removal for any druid deck. Cycles well with auctioneer.
- Healing Touch (1): This card helps against burn mage, aggro decks, and when you have a slow start and can help take you out of combo range.
- Savage Roar(1): FoN, Savage roar combo.
- Coldlight Oracle: I normally mulligan for this and drop it on turn 3. It helps set up for milling in the future and causes handlock to burn 1 card.
- Swipe: Standard druid removal. Combos with malygos for 9 to face and 6 to all minions.
- Keeper of the Grove(1): Can't fit 2 but having one silence against control and removal vs aggro makes the card very important.
- Nourish(1): Helps ramp before playing gadgetzan or to get a turn 6/7 alexstraza. Only one because two is to slow.
- Druid of the Claw(1): One more taunt vs aggro, baits black knight against control, and can act as a win condition with charge + savage roar.
- Gadgetzan Auctioneer: Auctioneer can't be concealed in this deck obviously so you need to play it very different from how you might think. As mentioned earlier you want to save your innervates for auctioneer and also make sure you have at least 7 mana crystals before playing auctioneer. If on turn 5 you have nourish, innervate, and auctioneer in hand then you should always play nourish for mana first. You can't cycle enough if you play it to early.
- Force of Nature(1): FoN, Savage Roar combo.
- Ancient of Lore(1): This card is rarely used for card draw in this deck. It normally acts as a 5/5 that helps keep your life total up but if you fail to draw auctioneer this card can help search for vital combos.
- Ancient of War: I play two of these for aggro matchups and to bait removal before playing malygos. It is a very good card and is useful for staying alive while searching for combos.
- Alexstraza(1): If you can innervate this out you normally win. It gets your opponent within range or close to within range of combos and gives tempo. Also against burn mage and hunter it gives you more heal which is very important.
- Malygos(1): Against handlock this is basically your win condition but against decks like druid and rogue which lack hard removal just dropping this beast will force them to waste vital cards. //
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