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M14 Ultra Pro Playmats - Scourge of Valkas, Thorncaster Sliver, and a Paladin + EXPERIMENT ONE as FNM Promo for September

From slivers to dragons to paladins, M14 has got them all! Check out these awesome Ultra Pro playmats.
Personally, I like the one with the redhead angel. Anyway, the M14 full spoiler is about to be unveiled on the mothership soon! Check out what WOTC will offer to the players, old and new. There's always time to play Magic: The Gathering. It seems that old creature types will finally get some serious attention.

Does it look human? Sure, it definitely looks like an ooze but it's sort of like a merman ooze. Or whatever. Still, a pretty decent card September's FNM. Evolution, baby! Charles Darwin, yeah! Also, the Simic guild seems to be active once again with its experimentation and mutations, giving out more brute force and versatility for the guild.

source: MTGS

M14 Spoiler: Garruk, Caller of the Beasts + Limited Edition Collection + Xathrid Necromancer, Banisher Priest, and Fiendslayer Paladin

Kevin Ohannessian:

Wizards of the Coast has revealed to MTV Geek that at Hasbro ToyShop in San Diego Comic-Con they will be offering a limited edition collection of "Magic: The Gathering" 2014's Planeswalker cards. The five cards will be presented with unique black-on-black art by Steve Prescott, variants of those found in the core Magic 2014 set. Below you will find both the Magic 2014 and the SDCC version of Garruk.

Digging the necromancer! It seems that tribal themes are back, don't you think? Slivers, humans?
In addition, Banisher Priest is there to be the walking exiler for you. And for those white weenie decks that despise red and black, Fiendslayer Paladin is there to save the day! I don't actually see how Xathrid Necromancer would be great to use, but it would surely see some fun in casual play as there could always be an Orzhov human aggro deck.

Banisher Priest is probably one of the best 2/2s that white has to offer, aside from Silver Knight against goblins, White Knight against black, and Knight of the Holy Nimbus to annoy opponents. Oh, and there's Knight of Meadowgrain to gain some early life points. This human cleric is simply like an Oblivion Ring on a stick, though it only exiles a fellow creature. Nonetheless, the opponent has to shock this one before getting his/her creature back.

Speaking of knights, Fiendslayer Paladin has one of the coolest artworks I've seen. His weapon looks like a lightsaber. This is definitely a great card to use against Rakdos or goblins or zombies or any deck that has red burn spells or black removal spells. It has both first strike and lifelink, and giving it some +1/+1 counters or just temporary power-ups can make this a heavy-hitter.

source: MTVGeek MTGS

Magic 2014 [M14] Spoiler - Basic Lands + IDW Comic featuring Deck Fayden going to Theros

That's right. The basic lands for M14 have been discovered at Grand Prix Vegas. What do you guys think of the artworks? Personally, I like the swamps. Next would be the mountains. I don't know, a couple of them are really quite spectacular. The forests and the islands are okay, they're always good to the eyes. Plains? Plain.

It seems that Dack Fayden has been hanging out with the pirates, or whatever. Anyway, he's going to spend some time in Theros. Pretty exciting stuff for the supposedly Greek Mythology-esque upcoming block. He does remind me of Izzet, especially with his clothing and the fact that he is in some sort of vessel. May his journey be fruitful. And let's hope that he doesn't get into a fight with some gods or goddesses.

source: MTGS