[BNG] Nyxborn Shieldmate, Everflame Eidolon, and Skyreaping

The mothership has recently begun spoiling Born of the Gods card. Here, we have Nyxborn Shieldmate, Everrflame Eidolon, and Skyreaping. The first one, Nyxborn Shieldmate, seems like a really good common card. It has a 1/2 power and toughness, making it a great first-turn drop. Moreover, its bestow cost of 2W for providing another creature +1/+2 while turning into a 1/2 creature itself after is already a pretty sweet deal. It would be a good pick in Limited. Looks like White Weenie has new tricks up its sleeve.

Nyxborn Shieldmate (image from WOTC)

Moving on, I am not much impressed with Everflame Eidolon. It's an uncommon, unlike Nyxborn Shieldmate, and yet it is only a 1/1 for 1R. Moreover, while it can pump its power, it will still have a toughness of 1. Perhaps its best to use it as an enchant creature first. I am not that impressed with this card, especially with regards to its rarity.

Everflame Eidolon (image from WOTC)
Finally, I really like Skyreaping. If if were an instant, then I'd be sold. However, as it is, I am already set on getting four or more copies of this. This would be a good sideboard for my elf deck against pesky faerie decks. It seems to easy to kill of the faeries even if I only have a few elves in play once I cast Skyreaping. Moreover, its 1G cost is really awesome, in fact I would not mind if it was 2G just because of the promise it hold for my elf deck.

Skyreaping (image from WOTC)


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