The mothership has recently begun spoiling Born of the Gods card. Here, we have Nyxborn Shieldmate, Everrflame Eidolon, and Skyreaping. The first one, Nyxborn Shieldmate, seems like a really good common card. It has a 1/2 power and toughness, making it a great first-turn drop. Moreover, its bestow cost of 2W for providing another creature +1/+2 while turning into a 1/2 creature itself after is already a pretty sweet deal. It would be a good pick in Limited. Looks like White Weenie has new tricks up its sleeve.
Nyxborn Shieldmate (image from WOTC) |
Moving on, I am not much impressed with Everflame Eidolon. It's an uncommon, unlike Nyxborn Shieldmate, and yet it is only a 1/1 for 1R. Moreover, while it can pump its power, it will still have a toughness of 1. Perhaps its best to use it as an enchant creature first. I am not that impressed with this card, especially with regards to its rarity.
Everflame Eidolon (image from WOTC) |
Finally, I really like Skyreaping. If if were an instant, then I'd be sold. However, as it is, I am already set on getting four or more copies of this. This would be a good sideboard for my elf deck against pesky faerie decks. It seems to easy to kill of the faeries even if I only have a few elves in play once I cast Skyreaping. Moreover, its 1G cost is really awesome, in fact I would not mind if it was 2G just because of the promise it hold for my elf deck.
Skyreaping (image from WOTC) |
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