has just unveiled Torment's Herald, which is basically a 1BB 3/3 flying demon that makes you lose one lifepoint during your turn. It can, however, be bestowed and give a creature +3/+3 and the ability fo fly. However, it seems too much to pay 3BB for a bestow, and is essentially a bad choice compared to that 6/6 flyer for 2BB that only has a drawback which can severely damage your opponent's strategy. And that card is of course Desecration Demon. This card probably won't see serious play, well at least until some cards rotate out of Standard. Moreover, Nightveil Specter is much better than this for a three-drop.
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The second card, Fate Unraveler, is from and pretty much a solid card. It is a 3/4 for 3B, and it is an enchantment creature. What makes this card interesting and the high probability that it will see some serious play is that it has an ability similar to Underworld Dreams. This makes it an Underworld Dreams on a 3/4. It's creature type is a hag, which is a bit uncommon to see. Moreover, it can survive some of the cheese spells currently being used in Standard because of its 4 toughness.
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Finally, Thassa's Rebuff was spoiled by StarCityGames. When a player looks at it, he/she might easily be reminded of Mana Leak, an old counterspell that requires a player to pay 3 mana unless he/she wants his/her spell countered. This might just actually be better if used in the right deck. Master of Waves and Thassa, God of the Sea will probably enjoy this welcome addition. Even if the player can pay the mana required, he/she is essentially using mana that could have been spent on other spells.
Image from StarCityGames |
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