[BNG] Spoiler: Mogis, God of Slaughter, Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, and Hero of Iroas

Since Ephara, God of the Polis was already officially unveiled yesterday, it only seems fitting that Mogis, God of Slaughter finally makes its entrance. I like this one more than Ephara simply because its ability which works very well for you without having to have a devotion of seven. At worst, he's an enchantment that either deals two damage to the opponent's life points, or it kills of one of his/her creatures. At best, he's an indestructible 7/5 god that still deals damage or gets rid of your creature's opponents. Note that even if your opponent has, say, a Thassa, God of the Sea in the battlefield, it would mean nothing if it was in creature mode and was the only creature the opponent has. If the opponent only has about four life points left with no saving grace to come around soon, it's pretty much a bid farewell for Thassa.

Mogis, God of Slaughter (image from WOTC)
Moving on, I am pretty disappointed with Flame-Wreathed Phoenix. I would have thought of it as a good card if it was an uncommon, or an average creature if it was rare, but making it a mythic rare simply isn't right. It's a mere 3/3 flyer with haste that has the standard recurring phoenix ability, or a 5/5 flyer for four mana. There are loads of other good red cards right now besides the Phoenix. It's simply not exciting.

Flame-Wreathed Phoenix (image from WOTC)
Finally, it seems that Hero of Iroas has just arrived in time to strengthen the white weenie, or mono-devotion. It could even herald a new Boros deck, come the arrival of the Red/White god. It's a 2/2 for 1W, and allows for cheaper aura spells. In addition, targeting it with a spell gives it +1/+1 counters. In an aggro build, that makes it a good pick in order to end the game quickly in one's favour.

Hero of Iroas (image from WOTC)


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