Modern Masters [MM] Spoiler: Electrolyze, Lightning Helix, Path to Exile, Divinity of Pride, Demigod of Revenge, and Aether Vial

The first theme deck I ever bought was the one from Guildpact. It had Electrolyze, it was a nifty uncommon with a great art. Oh, how I loved using it along with Wee Dragonauts and Gelectrode for casual play. Anyway, I used Boros after that, and Boros Deck Wins staple Lightning Helix is also in Modern Masters! And another famous uncommon, Path to Exile, also unsurprisingly made it to the list! MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. Obviously, the Izzet uncommon has lost most of its value every since it left Standard a long time ago, but it still features the great combination of damage and card advantage of UR. Lightning Helix won't really lose value because it's essentially a lightning bolt plus three life points for you. It deals damage fast enough for Boros Deck Wins, and it provides help when it comes to battling other aggro decks through the added life points.

Ah, the days of the modular ability, Arcbound Ravager, and Aether Vial. That was excruciatingly hard to experience. Anyway, the incredibly pricy Æther Vial is back, along with B/R Demigod of Revenge from Shadow and life-gainer/game-finisher Divinity of Pride from Eveningtide are also in Modern Masters. MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. Of course, Aether Vial is still one of those incredibly broken cards in the history of Magic. However, don't expect its price to fall anytime sooner.

source: MTGS


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