Modern Masters [MM] Spoiler: Kitchen Finks, Relic of Progenitus, Manamorphose, and Spell Snare

One of the best G/W early game creatures around, aside from Wiltleaf Cavaliers, Watchwolf and Steward of Valeron is back for Modern Masters. Yup, Kitchen Finks. Consequently, Relic of Progenitus, a rather pricy common nowadays, is also confirmed. MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. The ouphe is probably once of the nicest G/W uncommons out there. It's a 3/2 for 3 mana, and it comes back as a 2/1 if it would be put into the graveyard from play. Moreover, it can ideally get you four life points in total, same as what you get with Loxodon Hierarch.

Dissension's Spell Snare is also makign a comeback in MM, making sure that the deadly two drops of both aggro and  control decks are efficiently taken care of. It is easy to include four of them in any deck because they only require one blue mana. Moreover, Manamorphose is also there to provide a card draw for decks that only have red, green, or red and green cards. This is useful for those who have a nifty combo trick that requires a card of some other color. Perhaps a sudden Day of the Dragons using two of them?

source: MTGS


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