Golgari's famous Life from the Loam has been confirmed in Modern Masters. But what's nice here is Lotus Bloom, which, along with Dragonstorm and the Kamigawa dragons, seems to be making a point that the Dragonstorm decks are poised for a comeback. And yeah, Death Cloud is in. MM versions of the cards are still not available as of the time being. I don't actually see Death Cloud as seeing much play, except for the casual one. I would actually prefer some deck that uses Tendrils of Agony and its incredible storm ability.
Life from the Loam is probably the most famous card that Golgari has to offer. It only costs 1G and easily fills your graveyard with the cards you need. You can even use this to hastily power your Tarmogoyf, or get that winning dredge card fast. While it will not have an increase it price, its reprint should help in getting it known to the newer players.
Since Dragonstorm is also back for MM, it only seems right to have the long lost brother of Black Lotus back in print. While the artwork would seem a bit funny or maybe not good for others, one cannot deny that it simply is one of the best cards out there to literally provide free mana. All is needed is Seething Song, Remand, Repeal, and Gigadrowse to bring back the glory of Bogardan Hellkite in blue/red decks.
source: MTGS
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