Modern Masters Spoiler - Perilous Research, Dampen Thought, Street Wraith, Imperiosaur, and Moldervin Cloak

A thing worth noting here is that all three cards have been downgraded to common. Surely, the power level in Modern Masters is pretty hight. Anyway, Dampen Though is a cheap milling card, while Perilous Research reminds me of , well, Compulsive Research from Ravnica, maybe because of the word "research". In addition, Street Wraight from Future Sight (you know, the set that had Tarmogoyf) is back! A free draw, with that 2 life to pay barely a disadvantage if you're looking to win the game early, set-up a combo, or control the board early.

This is exciting! Imperiosaur and Moldervine Cloak have both been downgraded to common in Modern Masters! A 5/5 for four mana with no real drawbacks? How great limited play must be this time. In addition, ain't it nice to still see the Golgari emblem in Moldervine Cloak despite MM not being a Ravnica-exclusive set? Green seems to be roaring with Modern Masters, implying how much brute force they can produce for little mana.

source: PMTGO


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