Watcher Mage VS Aggro Mage in Hearthstone

Before discussing about the last game I had, I just want to say thanks to this Shaman user for giving me a "free" star. I'm not sure if you had connection problems or simply didn't want to battle against a mage, but thanks anyway.

Watcher Mage Aggro Mage
An Unexpected Victory
After reading a couple of Nat Geo articles, I went online to have a go at Ranked Mode. I picked my Watcher Mage (which replaced Trump's Budget Mage). I am already content at Rank 18 anyway, since I do not have the time or the financial (dust) resources to make a great deck that can easily handle the environment in the higher ranks (an abundance of Hunters and Zoolocks, perhaps). Anyway, my last opponent also used Jaina, and I groaned a bit, thinking that this is going to be a long mirror match of mages trying to control the board. The surprising bit, however, immediately came with a first turn Leper Gnome play by my opponent. It was followed by a second turn Loot Hoarder. The third turn also dropped a Hoarder into the board. The fourth turn, however, provided another surprise in the form of an Arcane Golem. Yes, indeed, this is the first time I've faced a mage that used an Arcane Golem.

Arcane Golem in Aggro Mage Deck
Aggro Mage Using An Arcane Golem
At this point, I was thinking to myself whether I was battling with someone who was experimenting with his familiar "Face Hunter" cards and putting them in other classes. My opponent even had a Knife Juggler which I Frostbolted' immediately into oblivion before it was able to perhaps destroy my Mana Wyrm and Harvest Golem.

Knife Juggler in Aggro Frost Mage
Surprise! Knife Juggler!
By this time, I really imagined my opponent as another Face Hunter. I was expecting a Starving Buzzard + UTH + Timber Wolf combo of some sort (note: this is a joke). All the while, I was completely amused with this kind of Mage deck by the reason that this is my first time to battle one. It seemed that early offense and card advantage were the objectives of this aggro mage, especially with my opponent playing a Coldlight Oracle. Immediately, the aggressive style was reinforced by the arrival of two Abusive Sergeants that powered a second Arcane Golem. Hello, eight damage to my face. I was now assuming that he had Fireballs and Frostbolts to end the game immediately after all the assaults.

Surprise again! 8/2 Arcane Golem for you!
I Frostbolt'ed his second Golem, and cleared his side of the board through my Harvest Golem token and a couple of one-damage pings. In the end, I was already at ten mana crystals thanks to his Arcane Golems. The mana acceleration helped me unleash my own offensives strikes in the form of Mana Wyrm, Water Elemental, and ultimately Argent Commander. He dropped a couple of Sorcerer's Apprentices and Mana Wyrms along with Kobold Geomancer, but without a Flamestrike, I had the advantage. Good game against an unusual deck!

Aggro Mage Watcher Mage Battle

For those wondering, here are the cards my opponent used during our game:
Gold Coldlight Oracle Hearthstone

1 Ice Lance (to my face, after a Frostbolt)
1 Kobold Geomancer
2 Mana Wyrm
2 Sorcerer's Apprentice
2 Abusive Sergeant
2 Loot Hoarder
1 Leper Gnome
2 Arcane Golem
1 Knife Juggler
1 Coldlight Oracle


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