ODDLOCK: Redditor achieves Legend Rank with unique Warlock Deck

Warlock Oddlock Hearthstone Legend DeckRedditor "adamant_r" was apparently having a long time being stuck from ranks 5 to 2. Yes, it was that close to hitting Legend and getting that special card back (Rant: Really wish you get rewards for hitting perhaps Rank 15, 10, and 5, and not just for being Rank 20 or higher and being legendary.). Anyway, according to him the deck has elements of the famous Handlock deck, however, there are not Twilight Drakes or Mountain Giants to be found. Instead of a slow early play, he utilizes the elements of Zoolock which allows for an early offense. Aside from this, it also makes the opponent think that adamant_r is using a typical Zoolock deck.

Against aggro decks, Oddlock has eight Taunt creatures, or at least has eight cards that have or will provide Taunt. It also has Doomguard, Molten Giant, and Faceless Manipulator which can be Taunt-ed. With this, you have the option to either go in for the kill early, or prepare for a boardwipe with Hellfire. Typically, the deck will end the game with a Doomguard, a Molten Giant, or a Leeroy going for the kill, which can be followed up by a Faceless Manipulator or Soulfire and Power Overwhelming. As stated earlier, the best thing about Oddlock is that it is capable of deceiving the opponents into believing that you are using the average Zoolock or Handlock deck. Opponents using Zoolock would think that they are in a mirror match, when a Hellfire is actually just around the corner to clear the board. Handlock users would then think that you are playing slow if you play Ancient Watcher, but drop a Doomguard beside a taunt-ed Ancient Watcher and you can swing for some heavy damage. Adamant_r's advice is to use Ironbeak Owl wisely, on whether you should use it to silence your Ancient Watcher, or wait for an opponent's potential game-finisher. <source>


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