[BNG] The Five Gods: Ephara, Karametra, Phenax, Mogis, and Xenagos + their ULTRA PRO Playmats

Image from WOTC

It seems that the spoilers are shifting into gear, as the gods of the second set in the Theros block have been supposedly revealed. The UW god would be Ephara, the UB would be Phenax. Moreover, Karametra will of course be the GW god, while Mogis, God of Slaughter, is the BR god. And of course, Xenagos has finally become a RG god. All five of them become creatures when their devotion to their respective colors becomes higher than seven. They also have indestructibility and have one static or triggered ability. Keep in mind that they do not have any activated abilities.

Thankfully, MTGR has given us the opportunity to look at the beauty of BNG Gods. From Blue/White Ephara, to the Blue/Black Phenax, these Ultra Pro playmats are seriously some of the best ones I've seen ever since I've played back in 2003 Phenax actually reminds me of a card in Future Sight, and the band Empire of the Sun, humorously. Anyway, would you be getting one of these? Personally, it'd be nice to have all of them, actually.

Ephara (Image from MTG Realm)
Phenax (image from MTG Realm)

Aside from Phenax, I am also digging the artwork for the Green/White god Karametra. Their shiny, space-esque look are really appealing. It makes me think of the Theros Gods battling the Eldrazi of Zendikar, or at least what is left of Zendikar. And of course, we have the Black/Red god in the form of Mogis, God of Slaughter, with his incredibly looking weapon and armor. Finally, Xenagos becomes a Red/Green god and will ultimately be the antagonist for Journey into Nyx. Exciting stuff!
Karametra (image from MTG Realm)
Mogis, God of Slaughter (image from MTG Realm)
Xenagos (image from MTG Realm)



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