As can be seen and heard from the video, Ben Brode tells the audience that while Unleash the Hounds is getting a lot of attention for its cheap-costing but possibly game-changing effects, it can also be observed that players are devising unique decks to counter the dominant "Face" Hunters. Ben states that unusual, innovative decks are springing up in Ranked Play, with some of them allowing for that climb to Legend while countering the flood of Hunters (and Zoolock). This is of course one of the great things about card games, as players will find their own solutions in dealing against the top tier decks. Moreover, while UTH is incredibly hated as can be seen through forums and threads, it should also be noted that another factor for all the hate is that a lot of people use it. In addition, if Starving Buzzard (and Timber Wolf) wasn't around, it wouldn't be such a threat to people.
Personally, I know how "easy" it is to climb the ranks with a Hunter. I didn't have Leeroy, Savannah Highmane, or even Misdirection, but UTH + Timber Wolf + Starving Buzzard usually does it. I played yesterday using a very cheap version of the deck and won five times in a row, letting me climb three or so ranks. Still, my main objective is still to complete my Watcher Druid deck (lots of Epics and Legendaries to go for).
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