Redditor cplayer wanted to prove that you can reach legend without having epics or legendaries, and he did it by using an aggro mage. He already leached Legend Rank in the Asian Server, but that deck included Bloodmage Thalnos and Leeroy Jenkins. So, he decided to make a totally affordable aggro mage deck on the North American Server, costing only 900 dust in total, and he reached Legend Rank with after 150 wins, starting from Rank 19.
Ice Lance, Frost Bolt, Azure Drake, Arcane Intellect, Mana Wyrm, and Fireball are staple Mage deck cards. Arcane Missiles sometimes do not appear in such decks, and are replaced with Arcane Explosion. The Loot Hoarder is for card-draw, but some players use Novice Engineer instead if they don't have a Bloodmage Thalnos.
Amani Berserker: More and more aggro mages are using this card, simply because it has a three-point toughness and can deal five damage in one attack. It can kill a Chillwind Yeti if it became a 5/2, and survives a Consecration or Holy Light if it's a 2/3. What's best about it is that you can trigger its enrage ability with the Mage's hero skill.
Elven Archer: This is a great card to have if you're going second and this is in your opening hand. If you're opponent plays a Leper Gnome or something similar, the Elven Archer can just ping it for free. It's great for doing the last-damaging point and helping build your tempo. It works nicely with the fair amount of 1-damage pings coming from your Arcane Missiles and Knife Jugglers.
Harvest Golem: This is the replacement for Bloodmage Thalnos, but it many situations, the Golem is actually the better card, especially against aggro and because it's an annoying card to battle.
Argent Commander: The replacement for Leeroy, and although it costs two more mana and has a lesser attacking power, it does stand on its own because of its Divine Shield, aside from not giving your opponents a couple of 1/1 whelps.
Polymorph: This spell is your deck's third Fireball, especially when there are too many big minions that can prove to be deadly. In addition, Polymorph is a better card to use on Sylvanas Windrunner and Cairne Bloodhoof because it won't trigger Deathrattle. This is also good if you want to get rid of a taunter minion.
Chillwind Yeti: The game's best free four-drop, Chillwind Yeti packs a punch and will always provide good value for its cost. In some situations, it would be better to play this rather than Water Elemental on turn four, if you're expecting your opponent to play something with four or five health (if it's 5, that's where you use the Mage hero skill).
Leper Gnome: It's a great first-turn play (except when you're battling Mage or Druid or Rogue) and deals two direct damage upon death.
Mirror Image: There is only one copy of this card in the deck because this is an aggro deck that has a lot of cards that will trade against the opponent's minions efficiently and help in controlling the board. The deck doesn't always need to buy some time or protect the board, although the card works greatly with Knife Juggler in play.
Sorcerer's Apprentice: She provides good tempo and has a decent 3/2 body for a two-drop, but the card is situational and depends on you holding spells to cast in order to provide the best value, making Amani Berserker a better play on turn two.
Wolfrider: This is still good to have, especially against Shaman and Warrior, but two of it might be too much, with its meager 1-point health and all.
The aggro mage has a lot of "control" tools, with Knife Juggler and Arcane Missiles providing random pings. Moreover, the four-drop Water Elemental can seal you the victory against Hunter, Warrior, Rogue, and sometimes, Paladin. Your direct-damage spells can of course be used for removal instead of burst damage to the opponent's face, so your play has to depend on an opening hand and a mulligan that can provide a great early game play, and of course, efficient use of mana.
With the deck costing only 900 dust because of ten common cards and five rares and having been proven of being capable to help you reach Legend Rank, you might want to try this out.
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