BASIC [And Free] TEMPO ROGUE: Shen's Beginner Guide For 0 Dust


Hearthstone player Sheng finished at rank 6 on ladder last season thanks to Tempo Rogue, and so he decided to share the fun by creating an absolutely free, yes, 0 dust version of the deck. Of course, as it is a deck with basic cards, don't expect to go beyond Rank 10 with this. The purpose of this deck, more importantly, is to introduce players to the game while using a decent deck that they can improve as they get more cards from packs.



The key to winning with this deck is to efficiently use your weapons (the one you create with your hero power and also Assassin's Blade) and your removal spells (such as Assassinate and Backstab) to maintain board control.


This basic tempo rogue deck of course does not have those nifty combo cards such as Eviscerate and SI:7 Agent,  so the cards that you want to have don't differ whether you go first or second. As it is all about tempo, you want to have an aggressive start with your opening hand, and this can be achieved if you mulligan for two and three-drops while having a one-drop card such as Deadly Poison or Backstab to play especially on your third turn (ideally, with a two-drop minion). These two-drops would include the high powered Bloodfen Raptor and weapon-destroying Ancient Swamp Ooze while three-drops would be comprised of taunted Ironfur Grizzly and Shattered Sun Cleric. If your're going second and you already have a removal spell, a two-drop, and a three-drop minion, you can opt to keep that 4-drop Chillwind Yeti or Sen'jin Shieldmasta.

With regards to Kobold Geomancer and Ogre Magi, you're better off on the average if you mulligan them as they are "combo" pieces that you would want to topdeck later in the game, along Fan of Knives to counter aggro decks.



2x ACIDIC SWAMP OOZE - This is probably the best two-drop basic card in the game, simply because it's already strong with its 3/2, but it can also pack an additional punch by destroying your opponent's weapons. This could be handy in the late game against Warrior, Paladin, and Rogue to get additional value.
2x BLOODFEN RAPTOR - It's not really a great card, but it's still a basic minion having a 3/2 body, making it able to kill even four-drops, such as Spellbreaker.

1x KOBOLD GEOMANCER - You would not want to have this in your opening hand if you don't have Fan of Knives but if you do, this is a sweet fifth turn combo to sweep your opponent's board.
2x IRONFUR GRIZZLY - Razorfen Hunter might seem like a better basic minion three-drop, but its 1/1 buddy dies too quickly. This beast has a decent 3/3 build with a taunt ability for little bit of defense.

2x SHATTERED SUN CLERIC - It's best to play this card on your third turn if you played a 3/2 or any other two-drop minion so that you can give it a +1/+1 and lengthen its stay on the board. Even in the late game, this assures that your weaker minions can trade with the big ones.

2x CHILLWIND YETI - Considered as the best four-drop basic minion out there, it can kill other minions with four health without dying himself. It's the best vanilla minion in Hearthstone, aside from Boulderfist Ogre. It will often survive a few turns and trade up against a couple of minions before going out of the board.

2x GNOMISH INVENTOR - You would want to mulligan this because it is wiser to topdeck this in the late game as you will lose your tempo fuel by then, but at least you will probably have the mana to play whatever you draw from the Inventor.

1x OGRE MAGI - Like Kobold Geomancer, you wouldn't want to have two copies of this in your deck since it only really gives you value when you have Backstab or Fan of Knives. Aside from that, 4/4 for four is decent.

2x SEN'JIN SHIELDMASTA - Along with Chillwind Yeti, this is one of the best basic four-drops, as it can survive four-power attacks with its 3/5 build, aside from providing additional defense.

2x BOULDERFIST OGRE - Considered as one of the best vanilla minions in Hearthstone along with Chillwind Yeti, the Ogre can survive a mage's Fireball and even outlasts other six-drops and even seven-drops, such as Stormwind Champion. Moreover, it does not die to Big Game Hunter!

1x STORMWIND CHAMPION - Only one copy of this is good for the deck, as it's value depends on keeping your otherwise weaker minions alive by the time he arrives, and that isn't likely as you would lose fuel in the late game if you don't have a Sprint.


2x BACKSTAB - This is one of the better basic cards that the Rogue class can provide, as it deals with pesky minions such as Knife Juggler and Ancient Swamp Ooze for free. It also provides the necessary push to remove that damaged big minion.

2x DEADLY POISON - You can use this with your hero skill's weapon to kill off some 3/3s and even 4/3 to pave the way for your minions to hit face and maintain tempo, but using this on Assassin's Blade can win you the game. 

1x SAP - This helps you push for the offensive by returning any big taunted-up minions dropped by your opponent. This can also ruin a Druid's day, especially if he does the second-turn Innervate + Chillwind Yeti play.

2x FAN OF KNIVES - This is a pretty weak AoE spell on its own, but partnered with Kobold Geomancer and/or Ogre Magi, it can realistically clear your opponent's side of the board, apart from the card draw it provides to amp your tempo.

2x ASSASSINATE - You want to play this on the huge taunted-up minions if you don't have Sap in hand. Be wary of your opponents casting bait minions though. A player might cast Chillwind Yeti, luring you into using Assassinate so that he can safely play, say, Druid of the Claw next turn.

1x SPRINT - Because it costs seven mana, you wouldn't really want two copies of this in your deck. One is good though, as it refuels your hand in the late game, and you can even play a bit of the cards you draw from it if it's the tenth turn or so.


1x ASSASSIN'S BLADE - A very good weapon for Rogue, as it lasts for four attacks and can kill off a lot of minions. You can even win with it if you use Deadly Poison.


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