Gaara was one of the competitors in the recently concluded Dreamhack Summer 2014. He used a druid deck in the first round, and luckily someone at
HP made a list. This is pretty much a rather standard druid deck, except of course for a few exceptions suited for the tournament.
As with any other Druid deck, this one contains two copies of Innervate, Wrath, Keeper of the Grove, Swipe, Druid of the Claw, and Ancient of Lore. It has a single copy of Mark of the Wild for additional defense, while Healing Touch ensures that you will survive long enough to drop down your big minions. Moreover, Starfall is druid's standard big brother of Swipe when it comes to mass removal, while a lone Ancient of War is there to intimidate your opponent.

Instead of two, the druid deck hosts only one
Wild Growth to accompany
Innervate. There's also one
Big Game Hunter to deal with big enemy minions. There's also the aforementioned
Starfire and
Ancient of War. Interestingly, there's an
Emperor Cobra to make your opponent think with how he plays his minions, aside from acting as bait for removal. There's also a a
Sunwalker instead of the more aggressive
Argent Commander. A
Faceless Manipulator is included because it is without a doubt one of the most useful minions out there, and you're sure to have good minions to copy when you use Druid. Moreover, there's only one
Chillwind Yeti to give space for two
Sen'jin Shieldmastas, which is actually a good play against aggro decks. Finally, the deck has three legendary cards.
Cenarius can buff your minions to swing in for the kill, or provide you with a little bit of defense through the 2/2 treants. There's a single Bloodmage Thalnos for card draw and more importantly, to give bigger damage when you use
Starfire, Wrath, or
Swipe. Lastly, it houses a
Sylvanas Windrunner to make your opponent rethink his plays.
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