[M14] Duels of the Planeswalkers [DOTP] Promo Booster Pack for PS3: Ogre Battledriver

For the PS3 users of Magic 2014 DOTP, you will all get this 6-card promotional booster pack, all of which would include Ogre Battledriver! An okay card for an aggro deck, perhaps in casual play it would see the light of day. Doesn't it seem weird that ogres and minotaurs have been in Magic for a long time and they have yet to make an impact in Standard? Perhaps they were meant to stay in casual play. Perhaps, they could appear in a strong wave through the mythology-filled Theros block?

Wizards of the Coast has had an aggressive marketing team with their DOTP game. And it is working as players around the world are trying to get their hands on the promos. Maybe they could also finally return novels and add in some promo cards? Or ideally, release a really good film adaptation and players who buy a movie ticket to see it will get some cool foil card relevant to the plot? There are a lot of platforms that Magic: The Gathering is currently in, and it would seem wise for WOTC to capitalize on them.


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