Magic 2014 [M14] Intro Packs + Garruk's Horde and Chandra's Phoenix + Judge Promos "Show and Tell" and "Overhwhelming Forces"

The mothership has finally shown what the M14 intro packs look like. Here are the ones which show Garruk's Horde and Chandra's Phoenix. I think Timmy players will love this green intro pack simply because M14 would intend to introduce Magic to new players, and the color is famous for big creatures. The red intro pack would also be fun to new players since it would be an aggro deck and I've personally began playing with green/red beasts and eventually into a green elf deck back in Onslaught.

Always a fan of this card. It's good for casual play, especially with mana accelerators to pull down that big beater in a jiffy.

It's like Hell's Thunder, only smaller. But hey, it can come back every time you use Lightning Bolt, Rift Bolt, Shock, Sudden Shock, or even Shrapnel Blast directly to your opponent.

One of the most infamous cards, Show and Tell, is one of the MTG Judge promos! Hurray. Additionally, Damnation-for-your-opponents-only + card advantage Overwhelming Forces is also a promo. Really good art for the both of them. But of course I dig Show and Tell's more. A question I would like to pose though, is whether you would prefer Damnation or the more costly but advantageous Overwhelming Forces/ I suppose it's a situational thing.

source: The Mothership


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