[M14] Duels of the Planeswalkers Promo Booster Pack for Xbox Live - Bonescythe Sliver

For the sliver fans, and for those who would play DOTP 2014 with Xbox Live, you will all get a 6-card promotional booster pack, with Bonescythe Sliver inside! For those who have played Magic for some time, doesn't it look like some alien out of Aliens VS Predators? The old slivers really did not have a face, and they were seemingly unemotional creatures which only seemed to want to give each brethren a ability or two. Even the Sliver Queen was a WUBRG that brought our more faceless slivers. Which look do you guys prefer?

It is actually fun to see that the rare in the special six card booster pack is shown. It would be funny if all booster packs had that kind of design, ensuring that you would get that Tarmogoyf or Jace, the Mind Sculptor in no time. Anyway, it is nice to see that Wizards of the Coast is trying its best to reach players who are use different platforms and attracting them to play the game with actual, physical cards. Let's see how their marketing and promotion turns out.

source: The Mothership


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