Hello guys! Check out this very eccentric collection by redditor CorpT. That's right, he's finally accomplished the impossibe: a plainswalker collection. Would you just look at those beauties, framed properly and all. Anyway, I fell for the joke, thinking that he simply misspelled his post and that I would see Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Chandra Nalaar, among others.

MTG Plainswalkers Collection
So, why are there so few creatures with the Plainswalk ability? For one, it doesn't really make sense for a creature to suddenly go undetected in a place that's, well, plain. Also, there's actually a dinosaur that has snow-covered plainswalking! Meet this dude from Unhinged:

Old Fogey MTG
Finally, we've got you covered if ever you're surrounded by these plainswalking nasties:

Great Wall Legends MTG