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Blizzard has recently announced that a new format in Play mode promises to keep players engaged, regardless if they are newbies or veteran Hearthstone players.

The Hearthstone Standard mode basically allows players to fight using just the most recent Hearthstone cards. 

Thus, in Standard mode, you will have to build a deck from cards that were released from the previous year up to the current year. Of course, the "core foundation of the Basic and Classic card sets" will always be applicable in Standard mode.

Reasons for creating the Hearthstone Standard mode:

1. The games will ideally be more dynamic and the metagame can be balanced.
2. The limited availability of cards in Standard mode makes new cards more interesting. 
3. It basically allows Hearthstone developers to create fun, innovative cards that might have otherwise been possibly deemed too weak for Play modes that allow all cards.
4. Finally, it allows new players to get in on the action even if they do not have a big collection.

Now that it's been confirmed, Hearthstone will basically be having the Standard format Magic: The Gathering players are very familiar about.

Read more about the Hearthstone Standard format here.