Journey Into Nyx: Ajani, Mentor of Heroes gives you 100 life points

Remember the days of Lorwyn when Ajani Goldmane entered the scene? It was a good card to have when you were using Kithkin, with all the Wizened Cenn and Goldmeadow Stalwarts providing early aggression. Then came Ajani Vengeant and Caller of the Pride for Boros and for monowhite, respectively. Today, Wizards of the Coast has unveiled the Green/White version called Ajani, Mentor of Heroes which looks really fun to play despite not looking like an immediate staple in tournament play or even in the Standard format. The last ability alone is very fun to use, regardless if you were about to lose or not, as an additional 100 life points would be a tiring obstacle for weenie or cheese decks. Moreover, Felidar Sovereign is very glad for the arrival of GW Ajani.

With the current standard decks, what ability could be proven useful? Well, the first ability does not activate heroic abilities because heroic is only triggered by spells, the second one, however is basically a nifty card advantage tool for G/W decks, not to mention it can get that much needed creature or enchantment aura for a needed activation of a card with constellation. As for a deck that would welcome Mentor of Heroes, would Bant Superfriends accept him? What do you guys think?


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