Hearthstone's Facebook Page has revealed "a mysterious cache of blades" with no text on the card

Less than ten minutes ago, the official Facebook page of Hearthstone has posted this mysterious image of a card with no text on it. Most are seeing this as an indicator for a new cards, or even a set of them. For now, at least we are sure that it is a common card, with seemingly lightning igniting between the two blades. What is more interesting is that the card has attack and health points, indicating that it is a minion, but could it also be a weapon, similar to the "living weapons" of the Scars of Mirrodin block in Magic: The Gathering? For those who cannot Facebook at this time, this is their post:

"...We stumbled across a mysterious cache of blades! Much to our surprise, when we reached out to add them to our collection, they sprung to life and began wildly cutting up everything in their path – including the text on the card! What do you think the text on this card said? What secrets are they trying to hide?"



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