How Much Do You Spend For A Movie Ticket? A Look At Ticket Prices By Country was kind enough to conduct a worldwide survey about the average price of movie tickets in each country. The surveys were performed from May 2011 to February 2014, with respondents being asked about the cost of a single ticket for an internationally-released movie. Unsurprisingly, Japan had tickets costing more than $17.50, while countries such as the Philippines were enjoying the cinemas with tickets priced in the $2.50-5.00 range. According to the site, Iran and Laos have the lowest-priced movie tickets, while Saudi Arabia was unexpectedly way ahead of other nations such as Switzerland, Norway, and Japan when it comes to the priciest tickets. Anyway, do not expect that these price ranges are all true for each and every country.

Here is a link to the ordered list of ticket prices by country, in descending order: Numbeo.

Additionally, for people with color blindness, here is a single gradient version:


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